Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria

ISSN:1644-0730, e-ISSN:1898-9594

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original articleIssue 22 (3) 2023 pp. 243-256

Minghuan Du1, Ling Zhao1, Jiaqi Liu, Yiting Zheng1, Hongli Zhou1, Xin Sui2

1College of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, China
College of Biological and Food Engineering, Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, China

Development and stability optimisation of composite cerealbased meal replacement


Background. Maize is one of the traditional food crops with rich nutritional value and high dietary fiber content, but the coarse taste of maize limits consumption. The purpose of this study was to develop a composite cereal meal replacement (CCMR) containing corn, rice, millet, skimmed milk powder and oats with good taste and uniform organization, along with a stabilizer formulation.
Materials and methods. Corn, rice, and millet were purchased and ground. The formulation of the composite cereal meal replacement was optimized by an orthogonal method based on sensory scores. The stabilizer formulation was optimized using a Response Surface Method (RSM) Box-Behnken model based on centrifugal sedimentation rate (CSR).
Results. The results showed that the optimal raw material formulation for the CCMR was 55% corn, 10% rice, 10% millet, 5% skimmed milk powder, and 15% oats, with a sucralose addition amount of 0.009% and an optimal composite stabilizer formulation of 1.5% microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), 0.6% sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), 0.6% carrageenan, 0.4% xanthan gum, 2% mono-and di-glycerol of fatty acids (MFA) and 0.2% calcium hydrogen phosphate. The formulation showed the lowest CSR, the best stability and the highest CCMR sensory score. The soluble solids content was 7.466 g/100 g, the dietary fiber content was 0.378 g/100 g, the pH was 6.41, and the reducing sugar content was 2.6493 mg/g. An accelerated stability experiment predicted that the storage time of the CCMR at 20℃ was 142–155 days.
Conclusion. The combination of meal replacement and cereal supports people’s pursuit of nutrition and health while achieving low-fat satiety and improving quality of life, and therefore has great market potential.

Keywords: cereal, meal replacement, formulation, stabilizer, shelf life
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For citation:

MLA Du, Minghuan, et al. "Development and stability optimisation of composite cerealbased meal replacement." Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment. 22.3 (2023): 243-256.
APA Minghuan Du M., Zhao L., Liu J., Zheng Y., Zhou H., Sui X. (2023). Development and stability optimisation of composite cerealbased meal replacement. Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment. 22 (3), 243-256
ISO 690 DU, Minghuan, et al. Development and stability optimisation of composite cerealbased meal replacement. Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment., 2023, 22.3: 243-256.